Control Explorer
New Features
- Added Excel and Pdf samples.
Mobile Controls
New Features
- Added C1AppView/C1AppViewPage/C1ListView into Visual Studio's ToolBox.
- Added WijmoControlMode and the ThemeSwatch property.
Bug Fixes
AppView is now displayed properly when browsing with IE10 or Firefox.
Studio for ASP.NET Webforms
New Features
- Added some Japanese resources.
- Added the Bootstrap style.
- Added support for jqm1.4 in controls.
- Added C1CandlestickChart and C1CandlestickChartExtender.
- Added C1BarCode.
Bug Fixes
Compatible mode no longer gets turned on in IE when using any Wijmo control.
Bug Fixes
A JavaScript error is no longer observed when a C1LineChart control is inserted in the C1Accordion pane.
Bug Fixes
- 'Custom menu' is displayed on the left side of wijappview which overlaps the menu of wijappview.
- A JavaScript Error is no longer observed when navigating to any appview page items.
- A JavaScript error is no longer observed after clicking the "Cancel" button or "Submit" button in the "Widget" sample of AppView.
- Added some Japanese resources.
- The 'Visible' property of appview item is now working in the C1AppView control.
- NavigateUrl and SplitUrl now work if C1ListView is inside C1AppViewPage.
- A JavaScript error is no longer observed when clicking on any AppView item if the 'AppViewPageUrl' property of any item is not set.
When C1AutoComplete is displayed in C1Dialog, then the drop-down list of C1AutoComplete items appears below the C1Dialog.
- The height of a series lists gets decreased after a postback occurs. Fixed.
- The Click event now fires on mobile touch devices.
Custom BootStrap theme is now applied on the page containing Wijmo server controls.
- Fixed an issue where the data series displayed incorrectly after adding a new one at run time.
- Fixed an issue where the old data series was displayed after changing the DataSource dynamically.
- Fixed an issue where the index property in the Symbol class did not work.
- You are now able to select a date in C1Calendar when browsing with IE11.
- When calendar is in decade view, set the displayDate and calendar's title is now correct.
Bug Fixes
- A JavaScript error is no longer observed after the "Enabled" property is set to "False" while the "Dots", "Slider" or "Thumbnails" pager types are set in the carousel control.
- How to alter the sequence of images in C1Carousel. Fixed.
- Paging buttons and navigation buttons are now correctly displayed when C1Carousel is placed in a table.
C1Chart Controls
Bug Fixes
- The ValueLabels text and styles of Axes are no longer lost after postback.
- Removed the ThemeSwatch property from PPG.
- Request to remove 'Use Create new theme…' links and the 'Use BootStrap' style in the smart tag of all Charts and Gauges which do not support themes.
- Chart now renders correctly on mobile devices when the orientation is changed from Portrait to Landscape.
- Fixed an issue that occurred when setting the 'UnitMajor'/'UnitMinor' value for DateTime and the browser stopped responding.
- Setting the Max value for DateTime axis now works.
- Charts are now rendered at the correct axis origin value.
Bug Fixes
- Duplicate CSS class names are no longer applied to the drop-down list item.
- A JavaScript error "Unable to get property items" is no longer thrown when opening the drop-down if C1ComboBox has multiple columns with ItemTemplate.
- Html code is displayed in the drop-down list after typing text in C1ComboBox which has Item Template. Fixed.
- Deleted text is retained after postback in the C1ComboBox editor.
- The background of a dropdown is now displayed after dynamic data is set in the Dynamic Data sample page.
- "A potentially dangerous ..." is no longer thrown in C1ComboBox with Item Template after a postback occurs.
- The drop-down is now correctly aligned with the C1ComboBox.
- Wijmo controls now appear in the Controls drop-down when adding a Where clause to the C1ComboBox datasource configuration.
- A JavaScript error [Unable to set value of the property 'selected': object is null or undefined] is no longer thrown when selecting a combo item if selectedIndex is data bound.
- Dim UI is now observed in a disabled C1ComboBox.
- A JavaScript error is no longer observed after C1CombBox is placed with the 'RequiredFieldValidator' control on the same page when 'SelectionMode' is set to Multiple.
- You are now able to set the SelectedItem using the C1ComboBox extender.
- The drop-down list now appears when the 'disabled' option is set to false twice on the client side.
- Keyboard navigation now works if Selected=true in a comboitem.
- The underlying data source is now correctly updated if selectedValue is databound.
- The entire "LabelText" property is now shown in C1ComboBox with Bootstrap style in Chrome.
- Incorrect selection and hover styles are no longer applied on drop-down items.
- The right border is no longer missing if TriggerPosition="Left".
- A JavaScript error is no longer observed after C1CombBox is placed with the "RequiredFieldValidator" control on the same page when "SelectionMode" is set to Multiple.
- Setting SelectionMode=Single now works correctly.
- Item selection through the keyboard now works correctly if Selected=true in a comboitem.
- A 'System.FormatException' is no longer observed after C1ComboBox is used with the 'RequiredFieldValidator' control when the AutoPostback postback property is set to true
- In some cases the "onchange" event does not fire when a double byte character is selected from the WijComboBox drop-down list. Fixed.
- The selected item is now rendered correctly when WijCombobox has multiple columns and Aristo is set.
- A JavaScript error [Unable to get value of the property "length": object is null or undefined] is no longer thrown when clicking the trigger button after pasting the text into C1ComboBox.
- A JavaScript error [Unable to get value of the property "length": object is null or undefined] is no longer thrown when clicking the trigger button after pasting the text into C1ComboBox.
- The last character of LabelText is no longer overlapped by the drop-down icon.
- Pressing the "Backspace" key now works.
- The 'Highlight Matching' style is no longer affected in the drop-down portion of C1ComboBox although items have been selected.
- An unknown gray area is no longer observed after selecting the combo items from multiple C1ComboBox instances.
- The background style of combo items in the drop-down portion is changed and appears as gray instead of white.
- A JavaScript error is no longer observed after entering the second time in wijcombobox in the 'Remote data' sample page.
- Fixed an issue where a JavaScript exception was thrown after selecting an item when AutoPostBack is true.
- Text can now be deleted from the textbox area of C1ComboBox.
- Keyboard navigation now works if there are duplicate items.
- The deselected items is no longer displayed in the text area of the combobox after pressing the ‘Tab’ key when it is removed by the Close (x) button in IE10.
- The previously selected item is no longer shown as selected in the C1ComboBox dropdown
- The selected item style is now correctly applied to the combo item if the underlying wijdatasource contains a space.
- The textChanged event now occurs consistently.
Bug Fixes
- The WijBubbleChart is now getting rendered in WijCompositeChart.
- Fixed an issue where the data series displayed incorrectly after adding a new one at run time.
- A JavaScript error "Unable to get property length..." is no longer thrown if C1CandlestickChart and C1PieChart are set.
- A JavaScript error is no longer observed after a postback occurs when the Candlestick chart type is included in C1CompositeChart in certain scenarios.
- Fixed an issue where the old data series was displayed after changing the DataSource dynamically.
- A JavaScript error is no longer observed after adding the pie chart type in the C1Composite Chart.
- "StrokeDashArray" is automatically applied to a series if another series with a different type has "StrokeDashArray" set. Fixed.
- The height of a series lists get decreased after a postback occurs. Fixed.
- AxisStyle stroke is now getting set for multiple Y Axis in C1CompositeChart.
- A second axis is drawn to the max point of the first axis if multiple Y-axes exist. Fixed.
Bug Fixes
- A JavaScript error is no longer observed after a postback occurs and clicking the close button in C1Dialog when the 'MaintainStatesOnPostback' property is set to true.
- An Unspecified error is no longer observed in IE8 when the GridView with visible filter area is contained inside a C1Dialog.
- WijEditor options which open a dialog box can now be used when the WijEditor is placed inside an Ajax form and a modal WijDialog.
- Extra button icons in the header is increased by one whenever maximizing the C1Dialog. Fixed.
- Multiple issues are no longer observed after C1Dialog is applied with Bootstrap styles when other wijmo controls are placed on the same page with the dialog. Fixed.
- Setting the 'stack' option to false at run time now affects the wijdialog.
Bug Fixes
- The width of the title bar in the 'Insert Hyperlink' dialog is getting reduced when it is opened in IE7 document mode. Fixed.
- Hyperlink address and text are no longer getting lost in the 'Insert Hyperlink' dialog box when certain style settings are applied to the hyperlink text.
- Heading1 (<h1> tag) text now wraps in IE and FireFox.
- The 'Browse…' button in the 'Image Browser' dialog box of C1Editor is now visible when the bootstrap style is applied.
- Undefined is no longer displayed instead of user entered "hyperlink text" in C1Editor after a user inputs any hyperlink.
- Clicking the toolbar button effects outside of C1Editor after switching the full screen mode. Fixed.
- Font settings do not change in IE. Fixed.
- A hyperlink is always inserted at the beginning in Wijeditor. Fixed.
- A 'Syntax error' is no longer observed when a hyperlink is entered manually and the Insert Hyperlink dialog box is opened.
- A JavaScript error is no longer observed after uploading an image two times in the "Image Browser" and "Insert Hyperlink" dialog boxes.
- No validation when entering incorrect email or URL in the Insert Hyperlink dialog box. Fixed.
- The anchor radio button is automatically selected if the Insert Hyperlink dialog box is closed and reopened again. Fixed.
- Clicking the toolbar button has an effect outside of C1Editor after switching the editorMode. Fixed.
- The C1Editor footer bar is now refreshed when switching the editorMode.
- The control inserted from C1Editor is no longer displayed outside the boundary of C1Editor when it is placed at the bottom of the web page in IE10.
- The font size combo items are now correctly displayed and a JavaScript error is no longer thrown when clicking if the "mode" option is set to bbcode with JavaScript.
- The cursor is no longer shown as disabled C1Editor.
- A JavaScript error [Unable to get property 'createRange' of undefined or null reference] is no longer thrown when clicking the "Block Quote" button in toolbar if mode=bbcode in IE11.
- A JavaScript error is no longer observed after setting the 'ShowFooter' property to false and 'FullScreen' mode.
- A JavaScript error is no longer observed after clicking the 'Source View' button when C1Editor is in full screen mode with IE11.
- A JavaScript error is no longer observed after right clicking the text area of C1Editor when browsing with IE11.
- The 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons clip in Chrome and do not display in IE9 when opening the 'Insert Media' dialog box. Fixed.
- The boundary of C1Editor exceeds the browser window screen when clicking the "Full Screen" button if fullScreenMode is set to true.
- [IE11] ForeColor and BackColor can now be changed in C1Editor.
- IE no longer ignores cursor placement when inserting text into the editor.
- Inserted elements are now displayed in C1Editor.
- A font list in WijEditor as an interface to change the font on the client side has been requested.
- [Bootstrap Style] Multiple issues are observed in C1Editor when applying the Bootstrap style. Fixed.
- The Splitter bar is now shown when clicking the "Split View" button.
- C1Editor placed inside an update panel does not fire the 'TextSaved' event in some cases. Fixed.
- Changing the text font size now retains and reverts back to the default font size after a postback occurs when the text is selected.
- Text entered in full screen mode is now retained when a postback occurs.
- Line breaks are now retained after a postback occurs when C1Editor is in 'Bbcode' mode.
- A user can type in the header of an accordion pane if C1Editor is placed inside its Content. Fixed.
- "Full Screen" button UI is now shown in checked state even though FullScreenMode=true.
New Features
Added the "EnsureEventDialogOnBody" property.
Bug Fixes
- The callout pointer is now shown at the selected time slot.
- [IE11]Time slots are now correctly displayed.
- Repeat drop-down list is now fully displayed in the New Event dialog box of C1EventsCalendar.
- Events from the first C1EventsCalendar are no longer getting added to the second C1EventsCalendar when the events data is loaded from different xml files.
- Calling the "Import" method to import an XML file no longer throws a "Value cannot be null" error.
- The "New Event" dialog box is closed when navigating the months in the calendar dropdown in IE11.
- The Calendar no longer stops working if disabled is set to false.
- Setting the viewType to "month" now works.
- Total 7 days are displayed with Day/List view after changing the view from Week view. Fixed.
- The Appointment dialog box no longer opens with a flicker in IE11.
- [Bootstrap] The Appointment dialog box is no longer distorted.
- A time line is displayed only till 9pm in 'Week' view if 'ViewType' is set to 'Month' initially. Fixed.
- The date number is now displayed in the navigation bar after the 'Bootstrap' style is applied in C1EventCalendar when browsing with IE10.
- The "New Event" dialog box is no longer closed when clicking a date in the drop-down calendar of Start/End date.
- The width property now works.
- Today background color, Time-slot lines and the down arrow button of the vertical scrollbar are now applied in the Day View of C1EventsCalendar if UseBootStrap is true.
- EventList from the left pane is listed horizontally and only the first two events are visible. Fixed.
- The status bar is no longer displayed outside the C1EventsCalendar.
Bug Fixes
- [IE 10][IE 9] Images are now displayed in the Gallery when clicking thumbnails.
- [IE10] The 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons are now displayed when C1Gallery is placed in the same page with Charts controls.
- You can now click the play button in C1Gallery with 'Vertical' ThumbnailOrientation and Bootstrap mode.
- Button, border and background styles are no longer missing in C1Gallery with Bootstrap mode in IE.
New Features
- A new property was added: bool AllowC1InputEditors { get; set; }.
- Added a new property ShowClientSelectionOnRender.
Bug Fixes
- C1GridView displays the time increased by one hour in a DateTime column when using DST time and the displayed date is the first date of a month that falls on Sunday. Fixed.
- The size of the paging bar is set to very high. Fixed.
- The paging bar is now shown in the Chrome browser.
- The paging bar no longer disappears after setting the "showGroupArea" option to true.
- [IE]The Input editor no longer flickers when clicking spin buttons when setting the 'AllowC1InputEditors' property to true.
- An exception no longer occurs when deleting a row when the 'RowDeleting' and 'RowDeleted' events are set.
- The focus is no longer lost in IE8 after an asynchronous postback when a textbox is placed in C1GridView.
- The frozen bar position is now maintained after record selection.
- Using Tab keys to navigate between cells does not scroll the column headers when "staticColumnIndex" is set. Fixed.
- With ClientEditing is enabled, double clicking an empty C1GridView cell displays " " instead of blank value. Fixed.
- Filtering is now triggered when the Enter key is pressed.
- The IE browser no longer crashes after entering text in the filter textbox of a String column data type in C1GridView.
- A dialog box no longer appears even though the "Cancel" button is clicked when running the HowTo sample "C1GridView_DialogEditing".
- A JavaScript exception is no longer thrown from a C1GridView in an UpdataPanel.
- A JavaScript error [Unable to get value of the property "type": object is null or undefined] is no longer thrown when dragging the scrollbar after cell editing if AllowVirtualScrolling = true.
- The text '<a href="javascript..." appears in the selected command cell when clicking the 'Select' button if the 'AllowClientEditing' property is set true.
- "Pager" no longer disappears and no longer shows blank data in the grid when changing from to visible from an invisible state.
- Unlike Microsoft GridView and other ComponentOne controls, C1GridView disappears after toggling the Enabled property of the parent C1Tabs control. Fixed.
- A JavaScript error is no longer observed while selecting a row with C1Input controls as an ItemTemplate for C1GridView is placed inside an update panel.
- The Available Columns list in the GridView designer properties window now shows the last column completely.
- All the checkboxes present in C1GridView are no longer changed into unchecked when pressing the Esc key.
- HeaderStyle settings are now applied in C1GridView.
- The C1BoundField.ImeMode property has been added.
- Setting "FreezingMode" for a column now works in C1GridView when the "WijmoControlMode" property is set to Mobile.
- The selected row style is now displayed for a selected row in C1GridView when the "WijmoControlMode" property is set to Mobile.
- A JavaScript runtime error "type property can't be changed" is no longer thrown when the "ShowFilter" property is True if C1GridView has a "Date" column type.
- Compatible mode no longer gets turned on in IE when using C1GridView. Fixed.
- The filter operator drop down portion does not close and overlap the C1Calendar in the "DateField" column when clicking a calendar's drop-down button. Fixed.
- The focus is always moved to the first row after removing the record from the underlying data source. Fixed.
- The horizontal scrollbar is no longer removed after leaving the client-side edit mode in a frozen C1GridView.
- The grid lines of column headers are now correctly aligned with data row grid lines.
- A JavaScript error is no longer observed after the mouse hovers over the rows of C1GridView several times.
- The cursor is now shown in C1ComboBox when clicking inside it when used as an embedded editor in C1GridView.
- A Javascript error [Unable to get value of the property 'find': object is null or undefined] is thrown on clicking the cell after leaving the edit mode and virtual scrolling.
- A data cell no longer disappears when clicking another cell after leaving the edit mode and virtual scrolling.
- An unknown gray object is no longer shown above the right-most column header if allowVirtualScrolling = true.
- The sort direction indicator is now shown when clicking the column in the GroupArea.
- A JavaScript error[Can be used only if the editingMode option is set to "row".] is no longer thrown when clicking the "Edit" button in a data row.
- A JavaScript error[Unable to get value of the property 'text': object is null or undefined] is no longer thrown when C1ButtonField is added to the Columns collection.
- Today's date is now shown in the filter bar of the datetime column.
- [IE]The button styles are now properly shown and can now collapse or expand the grouped items in C1Grid with Bootstrap mode.
- Separators are now displayed between the headers of columns if UseBootStrap is true.
- If the Bootstrap style is set, records no longer overlap with the Header of C1GridView when the records are scrolled vertically.
- The data row and column header are no longer covered up with a frozen line in Bootstrap mode.
- [IE9] The filter drop-down trigger button is no longer missing in the last column of a C1GridView which is placed inside C1SuperPanel.
- The OutlineMode property of the GroupInfo now works in C1Grid with Bootstrap mode.
- Sorting now works after grouping is applied.
- The calendar drop-down of C1Input is no longer overlapped by the frozen bar of C1GridView.
- Record ordering is now maintained after grouping is applied.
C1Input Controls
New Features
Added Japanese related features.
Bug Fixes
- When using 'RequiredFieldValidator', validation is performed for C1InputText as soon as it loses focus. Fixed.
- A postback does not occur when a control loses focus in C1InputText and C1InputMask, Fixed.
- Data is no longer lost on double postback in C1InputMask with Advanced mode.
- A script error no longer occurs when text is set from design time in the C1InputMask in which range is set as Mask.
- An incorrect sample name ‘Hirigana’ is no longer observed when opening C1InputMask samples.
- Wijmo controls now appear in the Controls drop-down when adding a Where clause to the C1ComboBox datasource configuration.
New Features
- Added Japanese related features.
- Added the date and time picker.
Bug Fixes
- None is listed in the highlightText option of the C1InputDate control in design time. Fixed.
- Today's date is now displayed as the default when the Date property is not set.
- Today's date is now displayed as the default when the Date property is not set.
- The AMDesignator and PMDesignator properties are now working in C1InputDate.
- The OnClientDropDownClose event fired twice after opening the drop-down calendar when selecting any date. Fixed.
- The “Error setting property ‘Date’ to value” error message is no longer displayed at design time when C1InputDate is placed in the contents of the C1Expander control.
Bug Fixes
- System.ArgumentException: The value of Text is invalid is no longer thrown after the page is posted back if C1InputMask has a non-default "PromptChar" and Advanced "FormatMode".
- The prompt characters between the numbers are no longer disappearing after a postback in C1InputMask with "Advanced" FormatMode.
New Features
- Added Japanese related features.
- Added the new widget.
Bug Fixes
- The AutoPostback property is now working in C1InputText.
- User entered text is now retained after a postback occurs in C1InputText when ‘ShowDropDownButton’ is set to true.
Bug Fixes
- The hint bubble keeps on displaying even when the focus moves out of the wijlinechart when the chart margins are set to 0. Fixed.
- Fixed an issue where the data series displayed incorrectly after adding a new one at run time.
- Area chart now fills correctly when negative values are plotted.
- The Visible option is now working for wijLineChart SeriesList.
- Gradient color is no longer lost after WijLineChart is loaded in IE8.
Bug Fixes
- Request to remove 'Use Create new theme…' links and the 'Use BootStrap' style in the smart tag of all Charts and Gauges which do not support themes.
- Removed the Theme and ThemeSwatch properties from PPG.
Bug Fixes
- Setting selected to false now works.
- The autoSize property now works.
Bug Fixes
- A filter bar is now displayed at run-time when the 'Filter' property is set to true.
- Clicking 'C1ListViewNestedItem' is now navigated to its child items when C1ListView is placed in C1AppViewPage.
- If "ControlGroupType" is "radiolist", the InnerListControls of C1ListViewControlGroupItem are enabled although the "Disable" property of C1ListViewControlGroupItem is set as "True".
- The items and settings for binding properties no longer disappear after closing the "Bindings Collection Editor" by clicking the OK button.
- In the C1ListView Designer Form, C1ListViewItems are no longer able to be dragged and dropped and no longer disappear after being dropped.
Bug Fixes
- A filter bar is now displayed at run-time when the 'Filter' property is set to true.
- Clicking 'C1ListViewNestedItem' is now navigated to its child items when C1ListView is placed in C1AppViewPage.
- If "ControlGroupType" is "radiolist", the InnerListControls of C1ListViewControlGroupItem are enabled although the "Disable" property of C1ListViewControlGroupItem is set as "True".
- The items and settings for binding properties no longer disappear after closing the "Bindings Collection Editor" by clicking the OK button.
- In the C1ListView Designer Form, C1ListViewItems are no longer able to be dragged and dropped and no longer disappear after being dropped.
Bug Fixes
First and last buttons are now rendered on load.
Bug Fixes
- Label connectors are now rotating with the wijpiechart on mobile devices.
- Negative series values are no longer getting overlapped with the positive series values in C1PieChart.
- The hint is always visible and chart rotates when clicked on a Win8 machine with IE10. Fixed.
- Labels are no longer clipped if the radius is set to null.
Bug Fixes
- The Radius property of C1RadialGauge now works.
- In some cases changing the WijRadialGauge value from ViewModel forces the pointer to start from 0 again. Fixed.
- Colorized ranges in WijRadialGauge appear jagged in the latest Wijmo version. Fixed.
- Request to remove 'Use Create new theme…' links and the 'Use BootStrap' style in the smart tag of all Charts and Gauges which do not support themes.
- Removed the Theme and ThemeSwatch properties from PPG.
Bug Fixes
The "Reset" button is now displayed in C1Rating when setting the 'Bootstrap style'.
Bug Fixes
- Updated to the latest C1Report.
- The Outline, Search, and Thumbs tabs no longer disappear and the icon images in the toolbar buttons are now displayed.
- Bookmarks are now displayed in the exported PDF when C1Report is instantiated from C1ReportViewer.
- Setting the height property now works.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the data series displayed incorrectly after adding a new one at run time.
Bug Fixes
The 'Stop' event now fires when using WijSlider on touch devices.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that if "customScrolling" is true, the grid in superpanel may not be able to scroll to the last item.
- A JavaScript error is no longer observed after browsing WidgetExplorer with IE8.
- The data is now shown in C1GridView after the page is loaded in Win8.1.
- Fixed an issue where the horizontal scrollbar did not display in mobile devices.
- When isTouchEnabled is true, grid virtualmode scrolling is no longer broken.
Bug Fixes
- An Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ... is no longer thrown and the tab item is shown beyond the C1Tab when changing the 'Scrollable' property to False.
- Error "Uncaught jQuery UI Tabs: Mismatching..." no longer occurs when removing the tab item after sorting.
- The client-side property "sortable" now works.
- When the alignment of WijTabs is set to left or right, then the tabs are not getting switched if the user does not click on the text in the tab. Fixed.
- The 'show' event now fires when creating WijTabs using AngularJS.
- [BootStrap] The last tab item remains at the second line when setting 'scrollable = true'.
Bug Fixes
- Update fixing for inputting empty text. Fixed.
- There is no message to confirm the overriding of a saved custom theme when saving with the same name and at the same location. Fixed.
- Update fixing.
- A "ThemeRoller requires internet connection to work" message is no longer displayed after deleting the color code in the color picker textbox and clicking anywhere to leave the focus.
- Request to localize the ThemeRoller in the Japanese version of ASP.NET Webforms Controls. Fixed.
- The sample images displayed for the "metro-dark" and "metro" theme are now displayed in the "NewThemeForm" dialog box.
- An "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" exception no longer occurs after selecting any "jQuery UI Themes" and clicking the "Next" button.
- Update fixing for an exception.
- A "ThemeRoller requires internet connection to work" message is no longer displayed after deleting the color code in the color picker textbox and clicking anywhere to leave the focus.
- Some style are not affected on the wijmo controls at run time after a user has selected "Wijmo Themes" from the "New ThemeForm" dialog box and edited it. Fixed.
- Like JQuery ThemeRoller, some shortcut keys are now supported in C1ThemeRoller.
- The correct spelling of "ThemeRoller" is now shown in the dialog.
- The "metro-dark theme" is no longer applied and downloaded instead of "metro" theme in the C1ThemeRollerDesigner when the "metro" theme is selected.
- Toolbar icon images are now displayed in C1Editor at run time when "Wijmo Themes" downloaded from C1ThemeRoller are applied.
- There is no longer a problem while navigating through the properties using keyboard keys.
Bug Fixes
- The 'aria-Describedby' attribute for the underlying DIV for WijTooltip no longer appears as "undefined". Fixed.
- If 'Theme=metro-dark' is set, then the 'CalloutFilled' style is now applied in 'C1ToolTip' when 'CalloutFilled' is set to 'True'.
- WijTooltip does not hide when the trigger is set to any option except hover. Fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The NavigateUrl property of TreeView nodes is now getting set using the nodes option.
- Fixed an issue where child nodes were disappearing after expanding the tree in IE8.
Bug Fixes
- A JavaScript error is no longer observed after canceling the process while it is uploading.
- Viewport jumps to the top of the page when the Cancel button in wijupload is pressed. Fixed.
- A 'response' object has been added to the 'complete' event.